Past Projects
Effective Consulting

Botanical Inventory
June 2023
A business in Osceola County looking to expand its operational footprint onto undeveloped land it owned required a botanical inventory of three parcels of land. In June and September, several hundred plants were identified, classified, threatened/endangered status determined, photographed and archived, and select voucher specimens collected. Reports were developed for each of the 3 parcels for the client, including scientific, common names, plant family, threatened status, and date observed.

Botanical Inventories and Tribal Consultant
June and August 2023
A national consulting firm doing a federal environmental impact statement required botanical inventories of culturally important plant species for several sites in Michigan. Worked with a team of out of state consultants, along with tribal and industry representatives to professionally document sensitive plants on properties of critical importance to both the industry and the tribal nations involved. Complex reports produced for the client, unavailable due to NDA and sensitivity of sites, and follow up projects came of this work.

Wild Rice Restoration, Monitoring, and Community Relations
September 2020-September 2023
Worked with tribal wild rice harvester/business owner to secure 1000 pounds of northern wild rice, which was seeded into an approved section of Houghton Lake for restoration. Collaborated with Restorative Lake Sciences to seed, geolocate, inventory, monitor population. Presented 2 professional presentations of findings at state and national conferences, and working on publishing a paper of project findings.